China and Russia qualified for the 2011 Wheelchair Curling Championship in Prague

Katja Kiiskinen

After an exciting final day, China and Russia have qualified for the 2011 Wheelchair Curling Championship, which will take place in Prague Czech Republic from 22 February – 1 March. China secured their spot earlier in the day and Russia took the remaining place after their win over Italy in the second playoff this evening. 

The Italians got off to a lucky start in their earlier game against China, stealing one in the first end. But the Chinese came back and scored a whopping 7 in the second end and Egidio Marchese’s team struggled from then on to get back into the game. Chinese Skip Haitao Wang said he and his team were extremely nervous going into the game against the Italians. He said they were a very good team but they were delighted to be heading to the worlds in Prague.

Italy's next game against Russia turned out to be a much more even match. Russia was in control more or less all throughout the game, but Italy managed to steal some points towards the end of the game and with a wonderful last draw by Italian Skip Egidio Marchese, they were able to tie the game and bring the game to an extra end. The extra end turned out to be an exciting one as well, but this time Marchese's last draw was just slightly heavy and Russia won the game as well as the last remaining spot in the 2011 World Championships. 

The World Wheelchair Curling Championship 2011 takes place in Prague, Czech Republic at the Curling Hall Roztyly from 22 February – 1 March.

Teams that have already qualified for the World Wheelchair Curling Championship 2011: Canada, Sweden, Germany, USA, Scotland, Korea, Norway & Czech Republic as host nation.


On-site Media contact:

Katja Kiiskinen

Kisakallio/Finnish Curling Association

viestinta [a t] curling [d o t] fi (viestinta[at]curling[dot]fi)

+358 40 5898 194


WCF Media contact:

Joanna Kelly

Media Relations Officer

World Curling Federation

media [a t] worldcurling [d o t] org (media[at]worldcurling[dot]org)



13 years 5 months sitten

Kyselin, mistä löydän Oulunkylän hallisarjan tulokset?

Varmaan monella muullakin on epätietoa (?) asiasta. Voisko osoitteen, mistä tiedon saa, julkistaa täälä, niin kaikki muutkin voisivat saada sen tiedon?



13 years 5 months sitten

Keskustelufoorumilta löytyy toki osuvampiakin paikkoja Oulunkylän hallisarjasta keskusteluun kuin tämä  pyörätuolicurlingin ratkaisuun liittyvä uutinen...

Vinkki nro 1: ylälaidan navigaatiosta löytyy linkki Keskustelufoorumi ja sieltä löytyy oma alue paikallissarjoista käytäville keskusteluille.

Vinkki nro 2: Jos keskustelualueella ei ole sopivaa valmista keskustelua (kuten nyt ei ole tämän kauden hallisarjalle), niin sellaisen voi oikein mielellään perustaa. Uuden ketjun perustaminen on jopa suositeltavampaa kuin jonkun aivan eri asiaan liittyvän aikaisemman viesitkejtun "kaappaaminen". 


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