Hyvinkää Curling Clubs season 2014-15 starts, now it´s possible to join in our Local league. More information from address hallitus(at) hyvinkaancurling.fi.
Hyvinkää Curling Clubs season 2014-15 starts, now it´s possible to join in our Local league. More information from address hallitus(at) hyvinkaancurling.fi.
Position | Team | Club |
🥇 | StonesinVeljet | |
🥈 | Eurocks | |
🥉 | Team HiroShima | |
4 | Rocks'n'Roll | |
5 | HSV | |
6 | Fiina | |
7 | Kivilaatikko-SB | |
8 | Fipa | |
9 | Willi II | |
10 | Mc Fox | |
11 | Aleksis Kivet | |
12 | Hupaajat | |
13 | Kojootit | |
14 | Viikate | |
15 | Hurlicurling | |
16 | Jääkausi | |
17 | Ville Lähteen nimipäivä | |
18 | HRT | |
19 | Trolling stones | |
20 | DGH | |
21 | Takapesän pojat |